Friday, October 1, 2010

6.0 on garret Reynolds update last inter bike

6.0 on garret Reynolds update last inter bike

The new garret Reynold on highest pix of the town, garret a wild shirt
This year's Interbike Tradeshow in Las Vegas started off with a bang with the S&M, DC, and Shadow Bikes annual rail jam. Twenty of the best street riders in the world battled it out for an all expense paid trip to Hawaii.

Garrett Reynolds dominated the first heat throwing down tricks like bar spin to ice picks, opposite hang tooths down the handrail, and a nollie truckdriver off the ramp. After an amazing heat Garrett made it to the finals, where his ridiculous tricks like a nollie bar to 540 made the crowd go insane. After finally landing a 180 backwards nose manual down a ledge, Garrett won the first place trophy and the Hawaiian getaway.

As if killing the rail jam wasn't enough, later that night Garrett walked away with the Nora Cup award for Best Street Rider of the Year. He was also nominated for Best Video Part of the Year and fellow 6.0 teammate Dennis Enarson was nominated for Best Ramp Rider of the Year.

Huge congrats to Garrett and Dennis and the rest of the 6.0 team for holding it down in Vegas!

Be sure to check out the complete coverage of 2010 Interbike and the Nora Cup


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